The following is a brief overview of our company policies and does not represent any legal advice or opinion.
Delta Arsenal will adhere to all state and federal firearms laws and restrictions.
When in doubt, we will make every attempt to contact the State of Connecticut or
the ATF for clarification on any laws, restrictions or regulation.
In order to stay in compliance with the law and maintain our FFL,
we will follow the guidance given to us by the State and Federal government.
**While we may not agree with the restrictions and regulations placed on law abiding firearms owners, we must follow them.
When the time comes, remember to Vote for PRO 2nd Amendment politicians who will best represent your interests.
Delta Arsenal currently offers competitive pricing of
$40 per non-NFA item or $80 per NFA item for FFL Transfers.
How do I have a firearm transferred from out of state when I purchase a firearm online?
After making payment for the firearm, that business or individual will need to know which FFL the firearm will be transferred to.
Let them know it will be transferred to Delta Arsenal LLC in Wallingford CT.
The FFL shipping the firearm will need a copy of Delta Arsenal’s FFL and can receive one by emailing FFL@deltaarsenal.com
This email should include what the item being shipped is and who it is intended for.
We do not give our FFL to individual transferees, the sender must contact us directly.
A copy of the sender’s FFL must be included with the firearm being shipped.
They must also include the full name and contact information of the individual it is intended for.
If the sender is an individual without an FFL (this happens frequently with Gunbroker.com purchases),
they must include a copy of their State Driver’s License with the shipment.
If there is no FFL or Driver’s License with the firearm when we receive shipment,
it cannot be transferred until we receive this required documentation.
We do not call individuals when we receive their firearms to be transferred.
Ensure you are given a tracking number by the shipper. This way, you will receive notification when it is signed for by our staff.
Please allow for 24 hours once we have received the firearm until you come to pick it up.
We receive a very large volume of firearms transfers and need time to process the incoming firearms.
It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure any
“Pre-ban” item is recognized as a “Pre-Ban” by the state of CT.
You may be required to provide proof of this to have the firearm transferred to you.
A signed letter from the manufacturer or an original invoice showing
the firearm/receiver was sold before September 13, 1994 may suffice as evidence.
Delta Arsenal will not be held accountable or responsible for an individual receiving a firearm
that cannot have possession of said firearm transferred to them due to it not conforming to CT state laws and firearms regulations.
Please ensure you can legally possess the firearm in question.
Delta Arsenal cannot confirm or provide a legal opinion on whether a firearm in question qualifies as a “Pre-ban” by CT law prior to purchase.
Purchase and transfer at your own risk.
In the worst-case scenario that you cannot take possession of the firearm,
we can ship the firearm back to the sender for a fee, or we can consign the firearm and sell it to an eligible individual.
This also applies to high capacity magazines.
Unless you fall under the Military or Law Enforcement Officer exemption,
we legally cannot transfer possession of the high capacity magazines to you.
For a fee of $35 per magazine, we can permanently affix your magazines to comply with the law and then you may have them.
We recognize this is expensive however it takes time away from our other gunsmith services and must be billed accordingly .
Sometimes the better option is to try and get they shipper to swap any “high-capacity” magazines with 10 round capacity magazines.
There are some other firearms which need slight modifications in order to be legally owned by a non MIL/LEO exempt individual.
This may include pinning and welding a muzzle device to comply with the law.
Feel free to make arrangements with the gunsmith to find out which alterations may be needed
and how much the work will cost prior to transferring the firearm.
Our gunsmith can be reached directly by emailing lee@deltaarsenal.com
If you possess a Common Access Card / Military ID which is not expired...
You are exempt from most the Connecticut Assault Weapon Regulations.
You may purchase “post ban” firearms and “assault” firearms using your DOD ID Number.
This means you can purchase any rifle designated an “assault” rifle byThe State of Connecticut.
You may also purchase “Assault” Pistols (those having a threaded barrel) in conjunction with your CT State Pistol Permit.
This also means you can purchase and possess magazines with a capacity over 10 rounds.
Once your CAC/ID card expires, you have 90 days to register your assault weapons and high capacity magazines with the state of CT.
An up-to-date department letter is required each time you
attempt to transfer an “assault” firearm into your possession.
When purchasing a post ban, or any “assault” firearm, you must have a current letter
signed by your chief of police stating the firearm will be used for “on and/or off duty use,
that office [your name] has no domestic charges and is in good standing with the Police Department of [your PD’s town]”
This letter must be dated within 1 week of the actual transfer of the firearm.
A letter is not required to take possession of high capacity magazines.
From the state’s FAQ page:
“Can Police Officers buy Assault Weapons?
Yes. Sworn members may purchase Assault Weapons in connection with their official duties,
but must obtain a letter from the Commissioner, or authority authorizing the purchase
stating that the sworn member, officer, inspector or constable will use the assault weapon
in the discharge of officials duties and that a records check indicates that the sworn member,
inspector, officer or constable has not been convicted of a crime of family violence.”
A signature from the commissioner...
Unfortunately, the State of Connecticut has clarified their rulings of the “assault” firearms regulations not in your favor.
For a C.O. to purchase a post ban or “assault” firearm, they must have a signed letter
stating the firearm will be used for on and/or off duty use… by the commissioner.
Shipping FAQ
Can I use Delta Arsenal to ship firearms to another FFL?
Yes, of course you can!
What are the costs involved with shipping a firearm?
Each firearm is subject to a $40 transfer fee, as we must first transfer the firearm into the possession of our FFL.
In addition, expect to pay around $35 for shipping a pistol and around $55 for a long gun.
(These prices are subject to change and may vary based on the size and weight of the box and insurance.
This price reflects processing fees and the time it takes from our staff to provide this service
along with the additional postage charge of requiring an adult signature upon receipt as per federal law)
Does Delta Arsenal provide all of the necessary shipping and packing material?
Yes, we will properly pack and box up the firearm when shipping.
Please do not bring your firearm in already packaged.
We will need to see the firearm to transfer it and inspect it for safety prior to shipping.
What does Delta Arsenal need to know when shipping my firearm?
1.) We need to know the name and contact information of the FFL the firearm is being sent to.
2.) The information of the individual who it will be transferred to once it arrives. (Full Name, phone number and email)
3.) Whether you wish to insure it when shipping or would like a tracking number.