Glock, Sig Sauer & Beretta
Public Safety Dealer
Delta Arsenal is a Public Safety Dealer.
We can get you special pricing on Glocks, Sig Sauers, and Berettas if you qualify.
Pricing available to the following ONLY:
Police Officers: Active and Retired
Sheriff’s Deputies: Active and Retired
Military: Current, Retired, Reserve
National Guard
Firemen, EMT’s & TSA Personnel
Private Security Firms & Officers
Federal Agents: Active and Retired
District Attorneys and Judges
Call or email us with pricing/availability inquiries.

Law Enforcement Buyback
Tired of the same old weapon platform and looking for something a bit more you? At Delta Arsenal, we offer you a far more attractive buyback rate on your old weapon platform system than anyone else (pending inspection) and you can use this as credit towards a new platform.

LE & Military Firearm Sales
For Law Enforcement Agency and Military personnel, please enquire at the store if there is a weapon system or associated item that you wish to test and evaluate prior to purchase. We carry a large selection of tactical weapon systems and accessories suited to your specific requirements. We also customize weapon systems to your specific needs.